1.1 Scope. This standard establishes requirements and test for performing temper etch inspection of carburized steels and tool and low alloy steels, which are heat treated above 1.24 x 109 Pascal (PA) (1.26 x 102 kilogram - force/square millimeter (Kgf/mm2) or 1.8 x 105 pound - force/square inch (psi). This standard applies to aircraft and missiles structural and propulsion system components when MIL-HDBK-6870 (for guidance only) and/or MIL-STD-866 are reference documents in the solicitation or contract.
1.2 Groups. Temper-etch inspection is typically performed on steels from the following groups:
a. Group A: Low alloy steels:
SAE 52100 |
SAE 4140 |
SAE 4330 |
SAE 4340 |
300 M |
D6AC |
440C |
Carburizing Steels:
SAE 4620 9310 AMS 6260 b. Group B: Tool Steels:
H-11 M-50 M-2
NOTE: The alloys listed are examples. The process is applicable to any alloy that would be considered part of each group.
1.2.1 Case hardened steels. The standard is not applicable to surface hardened steels produced by nitriding or carbonitriding.
1.3 Purpose. This inspection is to be conducted to determine if heat has been induced in a component, subsequent to final heat treat, by machining, grinding, or other means, which will adversely affect the required properties of that component.
1.3.1 Localized discontinuous carburization. To detect localized discontinuous carburization due to an inadvertent carburize stop-off and to determine the presence of or lack of total carburization in specified locations.
1.3.2 De-carburized surface layer. To detect a de-carburized surface layer.
2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3, 4 and 5 of this standard. This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this standard or recommended for additional information or as examples. While
every effort has been made to ensure the completeness of this list, document users are
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